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Local 901 Setlists for September 2004

Sep 27:
Little Black Spiders: "Strategies for Selecting and Verifying Time over Fiction (Motorcade)" from WEFT Sessions
American Minor: "Movin' on Up" from The Buffalo Creek EP
Sarge: "Beguiling" from The Glass Intact
Glenn Miller/i:scintilla: "String of Pearls"/"Havestar" from War Broadcasts/The Approach
Angie Heaton: "Teach Me" from Let It Ride
Beat Kitchen: "Rock Steady" from WEFT Sessions
Solips: "Breaking Up by Letters" from WEFT Sessions
Bantha: "Progress Junction" from The Finest of Silks
The Forecast: "Tiny Star" from Proof of Impact
The Violents: "Yer Lovely" from Baby EP
Poster Children: "We Don't Need This Fascist Groove Thang" from On the Offensive
Rob McColley: "One Aardvark" from Juicy

Sep 20:
Kissinger: "John Bates" from Charm aired at 10:00 PM
Poster Children: "Clampdown" from On the Offensive
The Violents: "Red Line" from Baby EP
American Minor: "Punch Drunk" from American Minor
i:scintilla: "Capsella Bursa Pastoris" [Redonblack Remix] from The Approach
Sick Day: "Sundays" from Happy Ending
The High Street Orchestra: "Friday Flow" from When Eggs Go Rotten
Honcho Overload: "Molasses" from Pour Another Drink
Angie Heaton: "9-1-1" from Let It Ride
Mike Ingram: "April to May" from One Less Tomorrow
Absinthe Blind: "Winning Is Our Business and Business Is Good" from Winning Is Our Business and Business Is Good

Sep 13:
Kissinger: "Sister Vikki" from 2003 Demos Final
Terminus Victor: "Taking the Advantage" from Mastering the Revels
Sick Day: "Don't Help" from Happy Ending
Adam Wolfe: "Rockstar" from Rockstar
Triple Whip: "Butcher" from Emergence
At Knifepoint: "Lotic" from Emergence
Shipwreck: "Sleeping in the Saddle" from Six Buttery Mega Hits
American Minor: "Buffalo Creek" from The Buffalo Creek EP
The Blackouts: "Pink Fuzz Blues" from Living in Blue
Angie Heaton: "Downed" from Let It Ride
i:scintilla: "Capsella" from The Approach
Temple of Low Men: "Fire Escape" from WEFT Sessions

Sep 6:
Kissinger: "I Don't Think You're Sexy (I Know You Are)" from Rock and Roll Ain't Cheap
Tar: "Billow My Sail" from Over and Out
The Vertebrats: "Left in the Dark" from Be a Caveman: The Best of the Voxx Garage Revival
Sick Day: "Don't Help" from Happy Ending
Clean Ray: "Red Tide Surfing" from Clean Ray
Temple of Low Men: "Snocone" from WEFT Sessions
American Minor: "Movin' on Up" from The Buffalo Creek EP
Whitty Whitesell: "Driving Home to Champaign" from Driving Home to Champaign
FeED: "Word to the Wise" from FeED
i:scintilla: "Scin" from The Approach
Joni Laurence: "Browntown" from Short Time
The Reputation: "Bottle Rocket Battles" from To Force a Fate
Kissinger: "Gold Rush" from Charm

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