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Local 901 Setlists for November 2004Nov 29:Jon Brion: "Theme" from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Soundtrack Absinthe Blind: "Voting For Luck" from Winning Is Our Business and Business Is Good Adam Wolfe: "Too Late" from Rockstar the Elanors: "Roads To Freedom" from A Year To Demonstrate Cameron McGill: "As Ready As I'll Never Be" from Live @ Cowboy Monkey (9/2/04) American Minor: "Walk On" from the Buffalo Creek EP Temple of Low Men: "Hold Yr Fire" from WEFT Sessions (8/30/04) Funky Butt Drum Club: "Breakfast" from Live @ Ernie's Club Twang (7/9/97) Paul Kotheimer: "Everybody Smokes In Hell" from 113 Carolina Avenue the Beauty Shop: "To Keep You" from Yr Money or Yr Life Lorenzo Goetz: "Muy Macho" from Jesus Elephant Headlights: "Everybody Needs A Fence To Lean On" from the Enemies EP Nov 22: Absinthe Blind: "Screens" Winning Is Our Business and Business Is Good Temple of Low Men: "Melt" Degree of Slither Morris Miners: "Evolution Is the Pace of Change" Morris Miners Adam Wolfe: "Rockstar" Rock Star Feaze: "Sally" Morning Wood Tristan Prettyman: "Void" the Love EP Lorenzo Goetz: "Sissyneck (Beck)" Live on WEFT Sessions (11/8/04) the Beauty Shop: "Death March" Yr Money or Yr Life the Elanors: "Roads to Freedom" A Year to Demonstrate 10the Blackouts: "No Tomorrow" Living In Blue Headlights: "It Isn't Easy To Live So Well" the Enemies EP Funky Butt Drum Club: "Insecure" Get A Load of This Absinthe Blind: "The Truth That Paints Your Eyes " Winning Is Our Business and Business Is Good Nov 15: Mike Ingram: "Keeping Me Down" from One Less Tomorrow Lorenzo Goetz: "Sissyneck" from WEFT Sessions Elsinore: "Vampire in My Town" from WEFT Sessions Temple of Low Men: "Loose from the Race" from WEFT Sessions Solips: "Breaking Up by Letters" from WEFT Sessions Centaur: "Wait for the Sun" from In Streams The Reputation: "Alaskan" from The Reputation Angie Heaton: "Drive" from Let It Ride Cameron McGill: "The Summer Dress Step" from Stories of the Knife and the Back i:scintilla: "Havestar" from The Approach Nov 8: 10:00 PM Lorenzo Goetz: "Hymnal" from Jesus Elephant Lorenzo Goetz: "Buddah" from Jesus Elephant Lorenzo Goetz: "Run There" from Summer Sampler Absinthe Blind: "Rising" from "The Everyday Separation 11:00 PM American Minor: "Movin' on Up" from The Buffalo Creek EP Sarge: "Beguiling" from The Glass Intact Relenter: "Bombshell" from Through the Mirror Laurie McColley: "Ellisong" from Gypped by Gyne Poets of Caterwaul: "Happiness" Malachi Constant: "Tanz" from Infinite Justice Emotional Rec Club:"7 O'Clock" from Emotional Rec Club Poster Children: "0 for 1" from RTFM Nov 1: Little Black Spiders: "Strategies for Selecting and Verifying Time over Fiction (Motorcade)" from WEFT Sessions Absinthe Blind: "Voting for Luck" from Winning Is Our Business and Business Is Good" Lorenzo Goetz: "Several Days Away" from Jesus Elephant Lorenzo Goetz: "Muy Macho" from Jesus Elephant American Minor: "Walk On" from The Buffalo Creek EP Triple Whip: "Pump" from Slapshot The Blackouts: "Something . I Can't Say" from Living in Blue Darrin Drda's Theory of Everything: "Greens Blues" from Darrin Drda's Theory of Everything Shipwreck: "Sleeping in the Saddle" from Six Buttery Megahits Relenter: "Burn" from WEFT Sessions |