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Local 901 Setlists for January 2006January 30:Little Black Spiders: "Strategies for Selecting and Verifying Time over Fiction" from WEFT Sessions Emotional Rec Club: "Vocoder" from Emotional Rec Club Poster Children: "Western Springs" from No more songs about sleep and fire. The Respondent: "The Cove" Stark: "Every Day" from Stark The Respondent: "Surfin' Montana" Lynn O'Brien: "She Said" [Demo] Megan Johns: "Tea" from Dirty Shoes Lorenzo Goetz: "Slumber Jaw" from More Ways than Three Terminus Victor: "Burning Capabilities" from More Ways than Three Sullen: "Strawberry Blonde" from Paint the Moon Shipwreck: "Sleeping in the Saddle" from Six Buttery Megahits EP Beat Kitchen: "Do Your Thing" from WEFT Sessions January 23: Spot: "Moon June Spoon" from AVCDEFG Shipwreck: "Emily Brontë" from WEFT Sessions Shipwreck: "Sierra" from WEFT Sessions Beezus: "I'll Call You Blue" from Lives of the Saints Angie Heaton: "9-1-1" from Let It Ride Poster Children: "0 for 1" from RTFM The Living Blue: "She Bleeds Pink" from Fire, Blood, Water Bad Flannel: "Buckshot" from Everybody Loves a History: Champaign-Urbana, Volume 1 The Vertebrats: "Diamonds in the Rough" from Record Service 20th Birthday Terminus Victor: "Arctic Living" from Under Surveillance January 16: Triple Whip: "Peace Is" [Live] · interview with Ambitious Pie Party Ambitious Pie Party: "Shine Alone" from All I've Learned Is Pushed Aside Theory of Everything: "After All" from Theory of Everything Lorenzo Goetz: "Heavy" from The Heavy EP Lorenzo Goetz: "Several Days Away" from Jesus Elephant The Reputation: "Alaskan" from The Reputation The Last Gentlemen: "Wish You Were Shy" from Everybody Loves a History: Champaign-Urbana, Volume 1 Terminus Victor: "Your Nemesis" from Under Surveillance Absinthe Blind: "City Soul" from Winning Is Our Business and Business Is Good Mad Science Fair: "The World I Want" from .for a Better Tomorrow January 9: Little Black Spiders: "Strategies for Selecting and Verifying Time over Fiction" from WEFT Sessions Shipwreck: "Sierra" from WEFT Sessions The Living Blue: "Tell Me Leza" from WEFT Sessions Megan Johns/The Greytones: "The Beat Was Burnt" from WEFT Sessions Megan Johns/The Greytones: "Lone Wolf" from WEFT Sessions Viewfinder: "I Wouldn't Go Out with Me Either (I Just Wouldn't)" from Everybody Loves a History: Champaign-Urbana, Volume 4 Phyllis: "Making You Wait" from Phyllis Triple Whip: "Point" from Snake Creeps Down Ambitious Pie Party: "Ol' Boy" from All I've Learned Is Pushed Aside Lucky Mulholland: "Heather Lane" from Pedestrians & Motorists American Minor: "Punch Drunk" elsinore: "Sliding Glass Door" from elsinore on display: a live CD Wasteoid Workforce: "Without a Sound" from We Mean Business January 2: The Beauty Shop: "A Desperate Cry for Help" from Crisis Helpline Headlights: "Pity City" from WEFT Sessions Nate Jones: "Merry Christmas Champaign" from Another Nate Jones Christmas Lucky Mulholland: "Tonight" from Pedestrians & Motorists The Morris Minors: "Evolution Is the Pace of Change" from The Morris Minors Jason Finkelman's Nu Orbit Ensemble: "Somewhere In Space" Temple of Low Men: "Melt" from Degree of Slither Terminus Victor: "Useless Abduction" from Under Surveillance Absinthe Blind: "The Truth That Paints Your Eyes" from Winning Is Our Business and Business Is Good American Minor: "Sleepwalking" from American Minor Triple Whip: "Triads" from Snake Creeps Down Colonel Rhodes: "In the Movies" from This Is Public Adam Schmitt: "Brilliance in Failure" from Demolition Sick Day: "Sundays" from Happy Ending